Valuable Resources

Wellness Coaches: An Extra Edge Toward Healthy Habits
This is a helpful article from Berkeley Wellness that describes the role and value that a health and wellness coach can provide, what they do and don't do, and how to find a health coach who can help you. Like any coach, a wellness coach -...
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How a Wellness Coach Changes Your Mind
View this CNN Staying Well article and accompanying video. A wellness coach can help you stretch your mind and learn how to coach yourself.
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How to Tell if a Health Coach is Legit
How to Tell if a Wellness Coach is Legit. Wellness coaching is one of the fastest growing areas in overall personal coaching industry, though how can you determine if the coach you're considering is qualified and properly trained to really help you? This...
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From Why You Should Get a Health Coach
How a Health Coach Helped Me Finally Get a Good Nights Sleep. Health coaching is a budding field built around the latest science on motivation and behavioral change, as this article explains. A colleague of Deborah Lee, Ruth Wolevar, PhD, director of...
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WSJ Article: Trying to Break Unhealthy Habits? There’s a Coach for That!
Trying to Break Unhealthy Habits? There's a Coach for That! As this article notes, many employers and healthcare systems are increasingly turning to wellness coaches to help people make lasting changes for improved health and well being. Read...
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Deborah Lee, President of Better Choices Wellness, Featured in Health Magazine
Deborah Lee, President of Better Choices Wellness, was featured in a health coaching article in the May 2016 issue of Health Magazine. Deborah’s personal journey is highlighted in the article, which also includes four tips from health coaches.
read moreMerrill Lynch Study: Most Important Ingredient for Happy Retirement
More than 80 percent of today's retirees say the most important ingredient for a happy retirement is good health. This outranked financial security at 58 percent. Ranking much lower as sources of retirement happiness are: - Having loving family and friends (36%) -...
read moreBig Business Finally Learns That Wellness Is Good Business
From The Huffington Post. Big Business Finally Learns That Wellness Is Good Business 2014 has been the year when the discussion of well-being has migrated from health and wellness magazines to business magazines. Wellness, and how to integrate it into our work lives,...
read moreHappy Employees are Healthier (and Cheaper)
From the Guardian Sustainable Business. Happy Employees are Healthier (and Cheaper) As a growing body of research shows the economic benefits of a happy, healthy workforce, companies are exploring ways to encourage wellbeing. Employees who are...
read moreToxic workplaces override wellness efforts: Stanford professor
From Employee Benefit News. Toxic workplaces override wellness efforts: Stanford professor Health and wellness programs are virtually meaningless if a workplace culture is bad, according to Jeffrey Pfeffer, a professor of organizational behavior at Stanford...
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