We live in a culture which perceives self-compassion as self-indulgent, wimpy, and selfish, especially when there’s such suffering in the world outside of us (a familiar feeling?) Oh, and what about our often-harsh inner critics who, we believe, keep us on our toes and motivate us to change? Aren’t there better ways to care for ourselves? If we are unable to sustain and nurture ourselves, we can’t provide the gifts of service to which many of us are called. What might it feel like to treat ourselves as we would a good friend? How can we create a kind voice in our heads, perceiving our own mistakes and imperfections in light of the commonality of universal human experience? What new vistas might appear if we began to open our hearts to ourselves? The most current social science research does not support our culture’s negative beliefs about offering ourselves self-compassion. We invite you to join us for an experiential workshop that melds together the “heart and science” of self-compassion – wonderful practices supported by science – healing from the inside out.

Self-compassion is a core component of Compassionate Listening.

  • Your facilitators are long-time Compassionate Listening trainer, Jan Hutton MSW, and Deborah Lee, PhD, RN, Certified Integrative Health Coach.
  • Dates and Times, TBA. The workshop will be held over the course of four weekly, 2-hour sessions, using the online platform Zoom. Zoom supports the capacity for interactive exercises in dyads and small groups, making full experiential capacity available for this workshop, also allowing people from different locations to come together.